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Student or employee at Coosa Middle tests positive for COVID-19

August 15, 2020–8:00 p.m.


A student/employee at Coosa Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. Approximately 73 students/employees have been deemed close contacts by DPH guidelines and are receiving additional correspondence from the school.

We continue to encourage all families to temperature scan and monitor students closely for any sign of potential illness. Students should remain at home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, new or persistent cough, headache, loss of taste or smell, fatigue and/or stomach issues (diarrhea). Please remember that the school principal should be notified if parents or students develop multiple symptoms and/or a positive COVID-19 test result.

View FAQs and additional information for families in the FCS Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year here: