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Congressman Tom Graves stepping down in October

September 13, 2020–3:13 p.m.


14th District Congressman Tom Graves has announced that he will be stepping down in October.

CNN and other media outlets reported the news on Friday.

In a statement Graves, who did not seek re-election and was set to step aside in January said:

“With the House planning to wrap up the People’s business and the final report from the Modernization Committee set to be filed in the next few weeks, I intend to step down from Congress and begin the next chapter of life in October.”

He added, “Congress is going into a long recess and my committee work will be complete. In short, my work will be done. I’m announcing this today to avoid surprises, and it just doesn’t seem right to kill time on the taxpayer dime.”

The announcement came the same day that Kevin Van Ausdal, the Democrat running for the seat in the November General Election announced that he was dropping out of the race.

Republican Marjorie Taylor Green won the Republican Primary for the seat and is the favorite to succeed Graves.