December 16, 2020–1:44 p.m.
The City of Rome Community Development Department is now accepting public comments on the review of the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan Activities.
The City of Rome anticipates receiving $438,553 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as its Entitlement funding allocation.
Proposed activities and projects include $120,000 to continue to address the housing needs of the low to moderate-income and elderly homeowners through housing rehabilitation.
$234,553 is proposed for the city-wide sidewalk program to improve, rehab, and/or replace sidewalks in the low-income census tracts of Rome.
Another $84,000 will pay for portions of the costs of the Community Development Department in the management, monitoring, and coordination of the previously mentioned activities.
Public comments will be accepted through Monday at 5 p.m.
The public notice document offers a summary of the activities and the proposed budget.
The entire 2020 draft CDBG plan can be viewed on the City of Rome website at Rome Community Development (