December 17th, 2021 – 4:20 PM
WZQZ Radio –

(Via WZQZ Radio) According to a report from the Chattooga County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy shot the tires of a vehicle after a Tennessee woman refused lawful commands following a chase.
The incident happened on Saturday, according to a report released Thursday by the sheriff’s office. An off-duty policeman alerted 911 about a vehicle driving southbound on Highway 27 with no headlights on. The GMC Acadia had temporary Tennessee tags. A deputy spotted the vehicle and chased it down Highway 27. According to the deputy, the woman was traveling at high rates of speed and swerving in front of other vehicles. Deputies were finally able to get the vehicle stopped, but then the driver began making moves that made deputies believe she was trying to cause them bodily harm.
According to the report, “After already causing a threat to Deputy Clark’s life and out of the threat of other lives on the roadway Deputy Clark fire three shots into the front and rear passenger side tire’s in the attempt to disable Ms. White’s vehicle with success. As the tire’s started to deflate Ms. White attempted to continue travel Southbound but was unable to which she came to an abrupt stop in the right-hand lane in front of Bert’s Body Shop causing me to collide with her vehicle’s rear driver side bumper and my patrol vehicle’s passenger side front bumper.”
Deputy Garmany said, “Myself and Deputy C. Clark conducted a felony stop procedure on Ms. White by holding her at gunpoint and giving her loud and clear verbal command to Ms. White instructing her to place the vehicle in park, to shut the vehicle off, and to step out of the vehicle in which Ms. White complied with orders that were given to her.”
Twenty-year-old Timia White of Chattanooga was charged with aggravated assault, fleeing or attempting to elude, reckless driving, failure to maintain a single lane, and DUI for multiple substances.”